Online classes begin in St. Mary's as schools remain shut due to coronavirus Pandemic
With the war against coronavirus getting prolonged and resumption of classes in schools not likely in coming days. So in this difficult situation, Online class is the only way to keep the continuity of learning and to ensure completion of syllabus.
Children in junior classes (3 to 9 and 11) are being given project work/Assignments to do from home and have the option of contacting their teachers to resolve problems over whatsapp.
School Management and teachers look for ways to minimize the disruption to children's learning and finally come up with a solution "Zoom App live classes".
Online sessions for class 10 and 12 using tools like whatsapp , Zoom are being conducted and teachers and students have been asked to remain online during the scheduled hours. Students can contact to their teachers to get their meeting ID of Zoom Session. Click here to get Online Class Time Table.