First Aid And Life Skills Workshop
Teaching first aid to children provides them with the essential skills that can be life-saving. Simple accidents like tripping or slipping and falling or twisting an ankle might seem a trivial part of the school life, but they are capable of causing serious injuries.

Experts from renowned Ambulance Service of U.K. conducted a First Aid workshop at St.Mary's English High School on 24th Oct. 2017. During this awareness programme, experts explained the students about the dos and don'ts in situations like injuries,Emergencies, accidents,and electric shock.
They demonstrate on how to handle breathing problems, fractures, arrest bleeding and also administer Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation. St.Mary's believe this small effort will make the students learn to safeguard their own health and help others in emergency.
Fr.David Vincent,Secretary,said: "Health and safety are the two important aspects of our lives and awareness of safety measures and health maintenance are very essential in our daily lives. These first aid skills will help till the patient is taken to the doctor.''
Principal Fr.P.Raj, said: "It's important to create awareness regarding first aid among students, because students get hurt while playing in the ground. So students should be able to administer first aid immediately without depending on others.''
Students said they have learnt a lot during these sessions. "We didn't know how to give first aid treatment in an emergency. But after the awareness programme, we are confident that we can give first aid when required to do so."
Selected Students from class 7 to 10 were involved in the workshop and they learnt how to handle the following situations:-
unresponsive and breathing
unresponsive and not breathing
burn or scald
an asthma attack
a broken bone
a head injury.