Our Academics
St. Mary's English High School located in East Singhbhum , is established with a vision of providing quality education to students. The school is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) . St. Mary's English High School is dedicated to provide world class educational facilities to the students and offers education from classes L.K.G - Class XII
Literature is a term used to describe written or spoken material. Broadly speaking , "literature" is used to describe anything from creative writing to more technical or scientific works, but the term is more commonly used to refer to works of the creative imagination, including works of poetry, drama, fiction and non-fiction.
Teacher In-charge :
Mrs. Pallavi Ghosh , Mrs. Dipanwita Shyam,
Mrs. Shanta Bose ,
Mrs. Shashi Prabha , Mrs . Sushma Tirkey
Mr . Ashok Pandey
Mrs. Sushma H Paul, Mrs. Vera Michael,​
Mrs. Anita Singh , Mrs. Sarita Lakra,
Ms. Sushma Azad
An association of junior scientists, mooted in the core ideals of science….Why? How? What?....They seek to explore areas of science not covered by curriculum and provide a sea of opportunity to its members to experiment, explore and create. It provides an engaging environment to improve critical thinking and promote curiosity and this spirit has been sustained through various activities like quizzing, field trips, annual exhibitions etc.
Teacher In-charge :
Mrs. Nibha Sinha
Mrs. Suparna Ganguly
Mrs. Anamika Tiwari
Mrs. Sabita Parmanick,
Mrs. A.V.L . Sirisha
Mr. Pintu Paul
Mrs. Sikha
Mrs. Evia F,
The club’s mission is to promote knowledge of Information Technology throughout seminars, workshops, website of data, also to organize training skills and finally to help the student’s community at St. Mary's Campus by providing free services in the Information Technology field. The IT Club shall use ways and means to expand and enrich the knowledge among not only its members but also to all students who are interested in the innovations in information technology.
Teacher In-charge :
Mr. K.V.Anand, Mrs. Jasbinder Saini
Mr. Babanjee Sharma , Mr. Arik Raj
It’s an active team that strives to bring about a change in an existing mindset and shift to a holistic view of the world, where ecology is concerned. They wish to forward the idea of sustainable development and peaceful co existence of all. This idea is popularized through skits, plays, banners, chart making competitions, posters & placards and taking part in rallies. The club aspires to make its members foot soldiers of Save the Environment organizations.
Teacher In-charge :
Mrs. Sabita Parmanik
Mrs. Rani Pandey

Peace Club
The general principal of the PEACE CLUB is to bring about a change in awareness and patterns of thought which will lead to change in the behavior of young people. This will result in a way of living in which the values of mutual respect and tolerance for others and equal and just society will become a reality. It will be a society that regards peace as state of mind, a chosen value, a norm and a way of life.
Teacher In-charge :
Mrs. Soma Ghosh
Mrs. Reeta Bhushal
Mrs. Shikha
Mrs. Nalini

Interact Club
St. Mary's also runs the world wide offspring of Rotary Club, its objective being interaction. The Interactions of genius and expressions not only within the school but also among other schools, there by extending their horizons.
Teacher In-charge :
Mrs. A.V.L Sirisha
Miss. Komal , Mr. Shambhulal Kumar
Art & Culture Club
Our Art club has exemplary talent at all levels. They are provided with ample opportunities to draw and paint for placards , posters and also design the stage backdrops for various programmes. Our Cultural club enthusiastically participates in various fields like debates , elocutions , photography , choreography and master chef, to name a fiew.
Teacher In-charge :
Miss. Ria Mukherjee
Mrs. D. Shyam , Mrs. Banani Das,
Mrs. Sushma H. Paul ,
Mrs. A.V.L. Sirisha,
Mrs. Priya Joseph, Mrs. Maria C Paul,
Mrs. Margret Linus , Mrs. Shashi Prabha

Mathemagicians at St. Mary’s- The Mathematics Club is for budding mathematicians of India. This club aims beyond the traditional curriculum. It sharpens skills of analytical & logical thinking. The club trains the members for original thinking as well as to research already existing concepts and develop it further.
Teacher In-charge :
Mr. Farooq Khan , Mr. Amitabh Sharma
Mriss Komal, Mr. Shambhu Lal
Mrs. Soma Ghosh ,
Mrs. Lorrain Joseph , Mrs. Bulbul
Sport grooms us to become tolerant individuals who understand the value of teamwork and sportsman’s spirit in all of life’s situations. Sporting activities play a major role in shaping student’s outlook and inculcate the values like optimism, belief in oneself and the ability of taking failure in one’s stride.
Teacher In-charge :
Mrs. Poonam Roy,
Mr. Sajjad Ahmad Khan
Mr. Md. Sarfaraz
Training for the NCC which is a disciplined organization strives to promote unity in diverse culture and ethnic groups-through strict adherence to discipline and promoting hard work and resourcefulness, that’ll go a long way to build ‘Yuva Shakti’ for tomorrow’s India.
The motto of the school behind encouraging the students to be a part of NCC Scouts & Guides is to enculcate the feeling of unity and discipline in them.
Teacher In-charge :
Mr. Aayush Kumar

This club runs on the objective of making the students learn to acquire a critical approach and draw interconnections between the myriad events occurring all over the world at all times and discern the link between histories of different cultures and societies.
Teacher In-charge :
Mrs. Richa Sethi ,
Mr. Dhiraj. D. Philips, Mrs. Sashi Prabha Prasad
The Geniex or Genius Extra or the quizzards guild of St. Mary's is the revamped Q2K comprising of Quiz, Quest and Knowledge. The Team encourages research, awareness and competitive spirit.​
Teacher In-charge :
Mr. Farooq Khan ,
Mr. Shambhulal Kumar, Mr. Arik Raj,
Mr. K.V.Anand
The Heritage Club was initiated in the year 2012 for the students of St.Mary's English High School with the purpose of creating awareness, preserving and promoting our varied and rich ancient culture and traditions, among the young learners. It conducts various activities and educational excursions for students that enable them to appreciate the traditions, culture and religious diversity of our country.
Teacher In-charge :
Mr. Dhiraj Philips